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Dr. Jema Ndibwile
Experience & Activities
Dr. Jema David Ndibwile is a Computer Scientist and a Lecturer at NM-AIST and the Tanzania Communication Regulatory Authority (TCRA) representative on cybersecurity issues at NM-AIST. Prior to that he was a senior IT System administrator and one the pioneers of the NM-AIST computer systems and networks. He has a doctorate degree in Information Security from Nara Institute of Science and Technology in Japan which he attained in 2019. His general research interests are in the areas of Cybersecurity, Cryptography, Ethical Hacking, The Psychology of Cybersecurity and Network Engineering to help resolve complex security challenges.
Currently his research work is focused more on predicting cyberattacks through Artificial Intelligence and Human Intelligence. He also has experience in providing support to the cyber security team in areas of mobile and fixed networks, including communication, IT network architecture and in-network, service security, security testing and developing security concepts. He is well skilled in the use of common security tools and knowledge of protocols, such as TCP/IP, UDP, etc., as well as outstanding project management skills. He has also been involved in several projects in UK, France and Japan utilizing Brain-Computer Interaction techniques with Smart Glasses (EoG biosensors) and Brain-Computer Interface (EEG and ECG biosensors) to predict whether a user could be a potential cyberattack victim and analyzing why he makes certain decision in a cyberspace.