Message from Dean

Welcome to the School of Business Studies and Humanities (BuSH) at the Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology (NM-AIST). The School of BuSH is one of the five Schools in the University established in 2011 comprised of three major units/research groups, namely; Innovation, Technology Management and Entrepreneurship; Business Administration and Management and; Humanities and Governance and Leadership.

As part of the University, the School of BuSH embraces the Institutions’ motto of “Academia for Society and Industry” through Teaching, Research, Outreach, Innovation and Commercialization. Our mission is to deliver research-intensive graduate and post-doctorate training in Science, Engineering, Technology and Innovation (SETI). Although the institution is purely a science and engineering, it incorporates BuSH as common core courses for Masters and PhD students with the view to impart students’ attributes of innovation, commercialization, entrepreneurship and strategic leadership that will enable them to become effective industrial captains, techno-preneurs and innovation managers.

The School has been offering common core courses in Innovation Management and Competitiveness; Entrepreneurship and Management; Philosophy, Ethics and Law; as well as Research Methodology and Communication Skills. In connection to this, the school is in the process of finalizing the curriculum on Master and PhD in Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship. In addition, the School also offers tailor-made short courses in business management, Entrepreneurship, international trade and marketing on a regular basis as well as spearhead outreach activities and linkages with the industry. The training curricula is designed to incorporate strong entrepreneurship modules in Science, Engineering, Technology and Innovation (SETI) with the view to accommodate, enable, stimulate, catalyse and harness the innovativeness and entrepreneurial qualities inherent in the modern generation.

Thank you for visiting our website. I invite you to browse through the School of Business Studied and Humanities (BuSH) section on this site to learn more about our educational programs. Don’t hesitate to contact us for assistance or further clarifications.


Dr. Liliane Pasape,

Dean of the School of Business Studies and Humanities