Master of Science in Public Health Research (PHR)

The MSc PHR Programme is intended to fill the gap of public health researchers who are scarce in Tanzania and the region at large. It is well documented that most of the University curricula in Africa have relatively poor coverage of practical research training even at the postgraduate level. Furthermore, traditional curricula in most universities in Africa do not foster innovation, entrepreneurship and soft skills. There is also a limited link to industry. As a result, scientists in the field are left to cope with challenges of implementing their research with neither sufficient preparation nor a framework to address practical hurdles by themselves. Moreover, there is a general lack of opportunities for training to refresh or sharpen skills after graduate qualification. The unprecedented investment into research on diseases of poverty in the recent years has led to a sharp increase in collaborative research and in the number of clinical and field trials targeted at understanding the epidemiology and development of interventions against major diseases. Inevitably, there is a rise in research studies being implemented in Africa, against a background of relatively few well-trained scientists at study sites. In line with the NM-AIST philosophy and the outcome of the Research Training Market Analysis, the programme aims to address critical gaps that exist within the conventional training programmes in sub-Saharan Africa.

Entry Requirements

Candidates to be admitted into the Master of Science in Public Health Research (MSc. PHR) must have obtained :

  1. A candidate for this programme must have a first degree with a GPA of at least 3.0/5 in relevant subjects from a recognized university/institute
  2. The applicant must have an experience in related field of at least two years

Areas of Specialization

  1. Determinants of Health and Diseases
  2. Interventions Research
  3. Implementations and Health Systems Research

Programme Duration

Full Time

  1. Years: Two (2) Years
  2. Semesters: Four (4)

Part Time

  1. Years: Three (3) Years
  2. Semesters: 

Mode of Delivery

Blended mode or hybrid mode whereby a portion of the traditional face-to-face instruction is mixed with web-based online instruction.

Programme Outline for Master of Science in Public Health Research (MSc PHR) by Coursework and Dissertation

Common Core Courses

  1. BuSH 6001: Research Methods and Communication
  2. BuSH 6002: Philosophy, Ethics and Social Imperatives
  3. BuSH 6003: Foundations of Law in Science, Engineering and Technology
  4. BuSH 6004: Innovation Management and Competitiveness
  5. BuSH 6005: Entrepreneurship and Management

Programme Core

  1. RePH 6101: Research Management and Professional Skills
  2. RePH 6102: Population Health and Health Determinants
  3. RePH 6103: Health Systems, Policy and Ethics
  4. RePH 6104: Conceptualization of Research
  5. RePH 6105: Study Design and tools
  6. RePH 6106: Basics in Analysis
  7. RePH 6402: Proposal Writing
  8. RePH 6403: Graduate Seminar
  9. RePH 6404: Graduate Seminar II
  10. RePH6901: Dissertation

Specialty Courses

(a) Determinants of Health and Diseases
  1. RePH 6201: Advanced Epidemiology
  2. RePH 6202: Advanced Quantitative Analysis Methods
  3. RePH 6203: Infectious and non-infectious Diseases
(b) Interventions Research
  1. RePH 6221: Intervention Trials Design and Management
  2. RePH 6201: Advanced Epidemiology
  3. RePH 6202: Advanced Quantitative Analysis Methods
(c) Implementations and Health Systems Research
  1. RePH 6241: Policy Analysis and Health systems
  2. RePH 6242: Economic Evaluation of Health Programs
  3. RePH 6243: Advanced Qualitative Analysis Methods

Electives Courses

  1. RePH 6301: Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and spatial analysis
  2. RePH 6302: Scientific Reading and writing

Programme expected learning outcomes 

­­­­­­­­­­­By the end of the Programme, graduates  will be able to:

  1. Appraise the complexity of public health and health system realities that enables effective engagement as a public health researcher in the African context.
  2. Liaise with relevant partners from civil society, research and policy to prioritize public health research gaps and influence evidence-based decision making.
  3. Design public health research to international standard with multidisciplinary teams.
  4. Analyze public health research to international standard with multidisciplinary teams.
  5. Communicate public health research to international standard with multidisciplinary teams.
  6. Mobilize resources and manage public health research projects.
  7. Demonstrate professionalism and sound ethics in all conduct.
  8. Incorporate a pro-poor and equity approach in all research undertakings as well as in recommendations derived from research.