PhD in Environmental Science and Engineering (EnSE)

The programes in Environmental Science and Engineering (EnSE) offered by the school of MEWES are designed for both Master’s and PhD levels so as to fill the gap of highly trained and qualified researchers and techno-preneurs capable to use innovate and scientific approaches in addressing the persistent problem of the environment. Both programmes aim to equip the graduates with knowledge, understanding, skills and competencies on environmental-related discipline for societal, economical, and industrial benefits in line with the motto of the institution, “Academia for society and industry”. Under this program, research and thesis mode is only offered at PhD level.

Entry Requirements

(a) By Coursework and Dissertation

Candidates to be admitted into the PhD in Environmental Science and Engineering (PhD in EnSE) must have obtained :

  1. Possession of a second class Bachelor’s degree with at least a GPA of 3.0/5.0 or its equivalent in an appropriate area of study (Chemistry, Biology, Zoology, Aquatic/Marine Sciences, Chemical Engineering, Environmental Science/Engineering, Food Sciences/Engineering, Biochemical Engineering, Agriculture, Wildlife, Forestry, Mining Engineering, Mineral Processing, Geology, Public health, Ecotourism and Natural Resources Conservation, Water Resources Engineering, Microbiology and related fields) from an accredited university or similar institution of higher learning.
  2. Applicants holding unclassified degrees (e.g. M.D, BVM & DDS) should have at least an overall of “C” grade and an average of “B” grade in the relevant subject or field of his/her specialization.
  3. Possession of a Master’s degree from an accredited university or similar institution of higher learning with a minimum GPA of 3.5/5.0 (at least B) or its equivalent and at least an average of “B” in the relevant subjects or field of specialization.
  4. In addition to the above, applicants holding Bachelor’s degrees majoring in Chemistry or Biology like Bachelor of Education with Chemistry/Biology and Bachelor of Science (Chemistry/Biology) MUST have at least “B” grades in Chemistry, Biology and/or other courses related to Environmental Science/Engineering, Chemical Engineering and related courses.

(b) By Research and Thesis

Candidates to be admitted into the PhD in Sustainable Energy Science and Engineering(PhD SESE) by Research and Thesis must have obtained :

  1. Possession of a Bachelor’s degree from an accredited university or similar institution of higher learning with a GPA of at least 3.5/5.0 and
  2. Possession of Master’s degree from an accredited university or similar institution of higher learning with a minimum GPA of 3.5/5.0
  3. Demonstrate research experience by either producing evidence of at least TWO publications in accredited peer-reviewed journals, being the FIRST author in ONE publication and FIRST or SECOND author in the second publication, or produce evidence of a patent/prototype emanating from his/her research/innovation work and/or a funded research project with a PhD training component.
  4. Submit along with application documents, a concise TWO-page concept note of what he/she wishes to research on as part of study in order to demonstrate his/her ability to organize thoughts in writing, logically and creatively. The candidate shall be required to defend the concept note before a panel appointed by the host School/Department.

Areas of Specialization

  1. Environmental Science
  2. Environmental Engineering

Programme Duration

Full Time

  1. Years: Three (3) Years
  2. Semesters: Six (6)

Part Time

  1. Years: Four (4) Years
  2. Semesters: 

Mode of Delivery

Blended mode or hybrid mode whereby a portion of the traditional face-to-face instruction is mixed with web-based online instruction.

Programme Outline for PhD in Environmental Science and Engineering by Coursework and Dissertation

Common Core Courses

  1. BuSH 6007: Foundation of Law Philosophy and Ethics
  2. BuSH 6008: Technological Innovation and Entrepreneurship Management
  3. *BuSH 6009: Organization Development and Leadership
  4. *BuSH 6010 Economics of Innovation and Entrepreneurship

*BuSH 6009 and BuSH 6010 are to be taken as common core courses at institutional level for those students who already covered BuSH 6007 and BuSH 6008 during Masters Studies at NM-AIST

Programme Core

  1. MEWE 7101: Research Methods and Communication
  2. MEWE 7102: Outreach and Internship
  3. MEWE7401: Graduate Seminars and conference
  4. EnSE 7400: Dissertation

Specialty Courses

(a) Environmental Science
  1. EnSE 7250: Environmental Impact Assessment and Management
  2. EnSE 7251: Advanced Environmental Analytic Techniques
  3. EnSE 7253: Advanced Environmental Toxicology
  4. EnSE 7255: Advanced Industrial Ecology
  5. EnSE 7261: Ecology and Ecosystems
  6. EnSE 7262: Hazardous Waste Management
  7. EnSE 7264: Environmental Economics and Politics
  8. EnSE 7260: Advanced Remote Sensing and GIS for Environmental Sciences
(b) Environmental Engineering
  1. EnSE 7250: Environmental Impact Assessment and Management
  2. EnSE 7251: Advanced Environmental Analytic Techniques
  3. EnSE 7256: Advanced Air Pollution Control Engineering
  4. EnSE 7257: Wastewater Treatment and Engineering
  5. EnSE 7259: Environmental Engineering Process Modelling
  6. EnSE 7260: Advanced Remote Sensing and GIS for Environmental Sciences
  7. EnSE 7264: Environmental Economics and Politics
  8. EnSE 7263: Solid Waste Management

Programme Outline for PhD in Environmental Science and Engineering (EnSE) by Research and Thesis

Common Core Courses

  1. BuSH 6007: Foundation of Law Philosophy and Ethics
  2. BuSH 6008: Technological Innovation and Entrepreneurship Management
  3. *BuSH 6009: Organization Development and Leadership
  4. *BuSH 6010 Economics of Innovation and Entrepreneurship

*BuSH 6009 and BuSH 6010 are to be taken as common core courses at institutional level for those students who already covered BuSH 6007 and BuSH 6008 during Masters Studies at NM-AIST

Programme Core

  1. MEWE 7101: Research Methods and Communication
  2. MEWE 7102: Outreach and Internship
  3. MEWE 7401: Research Seminars and Conferences
  4. EnSE 7400: Thesis

Programme expected learning outcomes 

At the end of the program, students will be able to:

    1. Water Chemistry and Microbial Ecology of aquatic systems
    2. Sources, conversion and transportation of vital chemical components for overall water quality in surface water systems, groundwater systems and marine recipients
    3. Characterization of water quality and performance of aquatic process analysis based on continuity principles and biogeochemical conversion processes
    4. How to stay current in environmental science and engineering through application of appropriate information resources and industrial contacts
    5. Technologies for treatment of potable water, and municipal and industrial wastewater
    6. Exploration, development, operation and decommissioning of offshore oil and gas installations
    7. Criteria for environmental risk assessment, including key parameters for fate and effect evaluations in receiving aquatic systems
    8. Issues related to Climate Change impacts, adaptation and mitigation measures and environmental governance
    9. Environmental pollution in soils, air and aquatic media
    10. Remote sensing and GIS as research tools for environmental monitoring and assessment.
    11. Be able to apply and evaluate disciplinary knowledge to diagnose aquatic ecological problems and suggest adequate solutions based on holistic ecological reasoning, including analysis and evaluation of field data
    12. Be able to apply basic field equipment for limnological and hydrological measurements including sampling techniques of sediments and free water masses. Furthermore, graduates will be able to know how to perform fundamental laboratory methods for water quality analysis and laboratory tests for design and operational analysis of treatment unit processes
    13. Be competent for work in water quality and ecotoxicological laboratories, and acquainted with methods for water quality characterisation and toxic analyses. The candidate can adequately document analytical results including formal reporting
    14. Be able to perform advanced-level water and wastewater characterization, including laboratory testing, and apply mass and energy balances for design, and operational analysis of treatment processes
    15. Be able to use advanced computer tools and system models for simulation and system identification of terrestrial, atmospheric and aquatic systems
    16. Be able to apply key parameters for environmental risk management and apply environmental risk assessment tools to relevant problems in the oil and gas industry
    17. Contribute to original analysis, innovation and entrepreneurship via development and realization of sustainable products, systems and solutions
    18. Possess a profound understanding of environmental, human health, and societal consequences of ecological impacts on aquatic environments, and competences to view these in ethical and life-cycle perspectives
    19. Communicate, debate and defend, clearly and systematically, findings and generated insights, and provide rational underpinning of these in oral and written presentations to a variety of audiences, making use of appropriate information and communication technologies.