Message from Dean – CoCSE
- March 26, 2024
- Fujo Mwapashua
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Message from Dean
Welcome to the School of Computational and Communication Science and Engineering (CoCSE). The school is dedicated to building knowledge and skills in mathematical and computational modeling, electronics and telecommunications topics including the design, integration and management of embedded systems and next-generation networks, and in cutting-edge computing topics such as artificial intelligence, Internet-of-things and cyber security.
The school values research excellence and innovation, as we believe these are key components needed to creating technological products that can boost industrial productivity and lower the societal challenges faced in Tanzania and Sub-Saharan Africa in general. We therefore encourage students to develop and exhibit working prototypes and to publish in indexed journals, international conference proceedings and get patents for the innovate products. It is almost 11 years since establishment, our students have exhibited over 30 prototypes nationally, and could win some research funding from the Commission for Science and Technology in Tanzania (COSTECH), one of the largest research funding body in Tanzania. We have also won the privilege of hosting the centre for high performance computing (CHPC), a joint initiative between the Indian and Tanzanian governments. The CHPC has a supercomputer with computing power of 14 Tera flops and is the only supercomputer of its calibre at a higher learning institution in Tanzania. Also recently following the successfully winning of a competitive grant bid among High Learning Institutions in East Africa, the school hosts the Centre of Excellence for ICT in East Africa (CENIT@EA). The CENIT@EA is established by a consortium of institutions, including University of Oldenburg, German Aerospace Centre, University of Dar Es Salaam (UDSM), University of Technology and Arts Byumba, Mannheim University of Applied Sciences and HTW University of Applied Sciences in Berlin, from which the Centre integrates international academic and professional experts as teaching staff.
The school offers five (5) Master’s degree programmes and 2 PhD programmes. The faculty at our school have been trained in diverse countries including Slovakia, the UK, the USA, Russia, Germany, India, China and Japan. Our students’ body also has an appreciable number of international students. Altogether, the multinational perspectives brought to the lectures and research progress seminars allow us to broaden our perspectives and pursue ever more challenging and creative research opportunities. Whether you are interested in preparing for a career in academic or industrial research or in engineering and ICT management, our school will provide an excellent education in an excellent environment.
With warmest regards,
Dr. Mussa Ally Dida,
Dean – School of CoCSE