Departments and Units

The Human Resources Management Department consists of all the activities undertaken at NM-AIST to ensure the effective utilization of employees toward the attainment of individual, group, and organizational goals. The NM-AIST HRM functions focuses on the people side of management. It consists of practices that help the organization to deal effectively with its people during the various phases of the employment cycle, including pre-hire, staffing, and post-hire. The pre-hire phase involves planning practices. The Institution must decide what types of job openings will exist in the upcoming period and determine the necessary qualifications for performing these jobs. During the hire phase, the organization selects its employees. Selection practices include recruiting applicants, assessing their qualifications, and ultimately selecting those who are deemed to be the most qualified. Objective of the HRM Department To develop and administer periodic performance, salary reviews and suitable remuneration and staff welfare packages for job satisfaction and staff retention. Services Offered by HRM Department
  1. To plan, develop, review and coordinate transparent HRM policies and procedures including their enforcement
  2. To prepare human resources projections and plans
  3. To develop monitoring and evaluation framework for implementation of staff projections, recruitment, deployment, training and appraisal so as to ensure that University activities are effectively carried out timely as planned
  4. To develop comprehensive human resources management manual
  5. To coordinate the preparation and review of HRM University budgets
  6. To ensure that the University has a conducive working environment free from fears for health and safety risks and for sexual harassment, and that the interests of the University and those of employees are integrated
  7. To ensure smooth running of registry
  8. To prepare quarterly reports for the University management meetings
  9. To serve as Secretary to the Appointments and Human Resources Management Committee
Sweetbert .S. Mutagurwa Chief Human Resources Management Officer Head of Department of Human Resources Management Email:

Communication and Institutional Partnerships
The Communication and Institutional Partnership unit (CIPa) at the NM-AIST is strategically positioned to build mutually beneficial relationships between the institution and its publics (internal and external). As a strategic office, CIPa anticipates, analyzes the environment, and interprets public opinion for the informed decision making of the institution about issues of public interest and through developing programs that inform the public of the institutional role and position in the community.

The Mission of Communication and Marketing

  1. To ensure that the NM-AIST’s core values, aspirations, mission, vision, and undertakings are communicated to the community and various stakeholders, through internal and external communication platforms timely.
  2. To promote clear communication of the University’s goals and strategic plans within the organization.
  3. To link between the university and its clients, public and development partners

What does C&M do?

  1. Events Management
  2. Partnerships/ collaborations Management
  3. Media Relation
  4. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Community engagement
  5. Brand Communication & Promotion
  6. Products/services promotion
  7. Issues Management
 Ms. Lorietha Laurence Mwaigwisya
Acting Head
 Ms. Neema Peter Mhando
Title : Principal Public Relations Officer 
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The health services department is located opposite the estate offices near the PhD village. The department is under the DVC-PFA and it is headed by the Chief medical officer who oversees its day to day operations. Currently, the unit/department offers curative and preventive services to staff, students and its surrounding community. Curative services offered includes outpatient services, laboratory services, medical counseling, referral and Medical emergency services. Medical emergency services are offered 24 hours a day from Monday to Sunday while routine services are offered during normal working hours (8am to 4pm, Monday to Friday).

The department accepts NHIF health insurance cards.

The range of laboratory services offered are as follows:

  1. MICROBIOLOGY – Serology
    Hepatitis B Antigen
    Hepatitis C Antigen
    HIV Rapid test
    Urine pregnancy test (UPT)
    Widal test
    Brucella Ab Test
  2. CHEMISTRY- Blood and or Serum, Urine, CSF and other Body Fluid
    Blood Glucose (Fasting & Random testing)
    H.Pylori testing
    Urine Glucose
    Urine Protein
    Differential count
    Blood Smear- Bs
    Malaria Rapid diagnostic test (mRDT)
    Stool analysis
    Occult Blood
    ABO & RH Blood Grouping

Regulation 28 of the Public Finance Regulation (2001) requires every Accounting Officer to establish an effective Internal Audit functions throughout the Public Sector Entities. Internal Audit Function is an important component of internal control, risk management and corporate governance and provides the necessary assurance and advisory services to the organization.

The Internal Audit Unit at NM-AIST is a unit formed by a team of auditors with the aim of providing independent, objective assurance and consulting services designed to add value and improve an organization’s operations. It helps an organization accomplish its objectives by bringing systematic, disciplined approach to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of risk management, control and governance processes. Due to the NM-AIST’s dynamic environment, the scope and intents of Internal Audit is changing every now and then to align with environmental changes and for streamlining purposes and to align with International Professional Practices Framework (IPPF) and International Standards on Auditing (ISA).
The Internal Audit Unit is responsible for providing internal audit services in accordance with the Internal Audit Charter and in compliance with the Code of Ethics for Internal Auditors, Standards for Internal Auditing and other guidelines issued by the Ministry of Finance.

The Chief Internal Auditor reports functionally to the Audit Committee and administratively to the Vice Chancellor. Among other functions, CIA reports quarterly to the Audit Committee on whether management’s action plans have been implemented and whether the actions taken have been effective.

Mission of Internal Audit Unit
The mission of internal auditing in the Public Sector Entities in Tanzania is to enhance and protect organizational value by providing risk-based and objective assurance, advice and insight.

Mr. Japhet E. Shirima
Chief Internal Auditor

Message from Laboratory Manager  

I am pleased to welcome you all to the NM-AIST Laboratory which is located at the Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology, Arusha Tanzania. Our laboratory is equipped with the state-of-the-art equipment and well qualified laboratory personnel. The NM-AIST Laboratory is committed to provide quality services in response to analytical needs and expectations of its customers (students, staff, both residents and non-resident’s researchers and community). The laboratory is strive to maintain quality, safe and effective environmental, water, food, biochemical, energy, materials, computer, computational and telecommunication investigations with utmost professionalism. We commit ourselves to comply with the requirements of the ISO/IEC 17025 standard and continually improve effectiveness of quality.  Thus, if you are looking for a place to analyze your samples or undertake research works consider the NM-AIST laboratory is your perfect destination.


Dr. Beatus M Lyimo – Laboratory Manager

Laboratory Management Board

  1. Chairperson: Ms. Stella Emmanuel Mrosso from Tanzania Bureau of Standards (TBS)
  2. Secretary : Dr. Beatus M Lyimo, Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology Arusha
  3. Mr. Shori Furael Sawe,  from Tanzania Atomic Energy commission (TAEC)
  4. Head of Laboratory Sections, Microbiology, Molecular, Food : Mr. Sylvester Gerald  Temba, from Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology Arusha.
  5. Head of Laboratory Sections Electronics and Computer science: Mr. Ramadhani Sinde from Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology Arusha
  6. Safety and Quality Assurance Officer : Mr. Emmanuel Lyimo, from Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology Arusha


  1. We managed to support research from different research and data generated have been published in the higher impact factor journals example Nature communication.
  2. We managed to support Msc and Phd Students on their Laboratory research
  3. Deliver analysis services to Industries, farmers, entrepreneurs
  4. Provide sanitize to the community as a measure to fight Covid 19
  5. In a process of accreditation under ISO 17025
Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.With thousands of Flash Components, Files and Templates, Star & Shield is the largest library of stock Flash online. Starting at just $2 and by a huge community.

The planning and strategic development department deal with all Institutional Corporate Plans and resource allocation in general; and specifically, the major functions are as elaborated hereunder.

Major functions of the Strategic Planning and Development Department

(i) Formulates and co-ordinates corporate plans and strategies based upon priorities for resource allocation to various functional areas,

(ii) Liaises with Government Ministries and departments on all issues concerning planning, budget, and monitoring and evaluation of plans

(iii) Co-ordinates preparation of recurrent and capital development budgets and prepares mid-term budget review,

Reviews and evaluates reports on the plan performance


Daniel Lohay Fissoo

Chief Planning Officer



Joseph Erasto Swai

Intellectual Property Manager



Julius Msuri Lenguyana

Senior Planning Officer / AfDB Project Manager




Dismas Jerome Kimaro

Planning Officer

Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.With thousands of Flash Components, Files and Templates, Star & Shield is the largest library of stock Flash online. Starting at just $2 and by a huge community.

The Quality Assurance Unit (QAU) at NM-AIST aims at systematic monitoring and evaluation of learning and teaching and the processes that support them, to make sure that the standards of academic awards meet the stakeholders’ expectations, and that the quality of the student learning experience is being safeguarded and improved. The QAU aims at checking that the academic standards and quality of higher education provision meet agreed expectations of the various stakeholders. Through establishment of a quality assurance system, an institution can guarantee with confidence and certainty, that the standards and quality of its educational provision are being maintained and enhanced.
QAU systems and operations ensure that the academic quality including the learning, teaching and assessment, and all the different resources and processes the institution puts in place to help students progress and fulfil their potential, and as stipulated in the quality assurance framework of the degree awarding institution, are maintained. The academic standards are set by the qualification awarding body and include standards of performance that the student needs to demonstrate to achieve a particular classification of qualification e.g. first-class, distinction or merit, etc. Academic standards also describe levels of attainment against which performance may be measured.
In order to attain the world-class status that it endeavours, NM-AIST requires to continuously implements its core mandates with quality enhancement in mind. Quality enhancement entails that all the operations in the institution are implemented in such a manner that they provide for a continuous and positive improvement in the quality. To achieve this, the QAU have embraced a quality culture, that is, the creation of a high level of internal institutional quality assessment mechanisms and the ongoing implementation of the results. Maintenance of a quality culture by the QAU ensure that the institution progressively embeds quality assurance in all of its day-to-day operations instead of relying on periodic assessment of the quality of operations, products and services.

Rationale of Quality Assurance Unit
In line with the University Qualification Framework (UQF) developed by the Tanzania Commission for Universities (TCU), NM-AIST, like other universities in Tanzania, is subject to quality assessment, which refers to the process of external evaluation undertaken by an external body of the quality of educational provisions in institutions in order to qualify for accreditation of its programmes and to continue implementing its core functions. Therefore, in order to ensure that quality assurance matters at NM-AIST are properly coordinated and the institution continually develops and maintain good quality outputs (products and services), QAU is responsible for the coordination, monitoring and evaluation of the quality of all operations at the Institution

Functions of the Quality Assurance Unit
The functions of the Quality Assurance Unit are as follows:
(i) To set performance standards regarding academic delivery, research and innovation, public service and outreach for NM-AIST staff, students and partners.
(ii) To monitor and evaluate the quality of academic delivery, research and innovation, public service and outreach activities implemented by NM-AIST staff, students and partners.
(iii) To monitor and evaluate the quality and adequacy of facilities used for academic delivery, research and innovation, public service and outreach activities by NM-AIST staff, students and partners in meeting the set quality standards.
(iv) To coordinate the preparation of quality assurance monitoring instruments of the Institution including guidelines, procedures manuals, checklists and related instruments.
(v) To coordinate the formulation and implementation of the quality assurance policy and strategies for implementation of the quality assurance matters at the Institution.
(vi) To coordinate and support institutional- and programme self-assessment activities as well as external assessment and audit missions at the Institution.
(vii) To devise data collection procedures, collect, compile and analyse statistical quality data, and prepare reports on quality trends and recommendations for improvement in the quality assurance system
(viii) To collect, compile and analyse data from self-assessment, and external assessment or audit reports as well as prepare reports and recommendations for streamlining quality assurance activities at the Institution.
(ix) To analyse quality assurance reports generated from NM-AIST’s operations including student’s evaluation, staff evaluation external, external examiners’ reports and other such reports and identify issues that require the attention of various offices within the institution for appropriate actions.
(x) To identify quality assurance training needs and organize training interventions for staff and students in order to meet and maintain the required quality standards.
(xi) To appraise clients’ needs and investigate customer complaints and non-conformance issues, review the implementation and efficiency of quality assurance systems and develop, recommend and monitor corrective and preventive actions.
(xii) To prepare reports for communicating outcomes of quality activities to NM-AIST’s clients, stakeholders and the general public.
(xiii) To monitor all operations that affect quality in the implementation of the mission and vision of the Institution and ensure compliance with quality and industry regulatory requirements.
(xiv) To provide liaison services with the Tanzania Commission for Universities, regional and global higher educational regulatory bodies as well as partner institutions on quality assurance matters.
(xv) To perform any other functions deemed important for promoting and maintain a robust quality assurance system at NM-AIST.

The Quality Assurance Unit at NM-AIST is headed by head who is appointed by the Vice Chancellor. The head-QAU assisted by Quality Assurance Officers and work directly with all other units in the Institution to ensure that they adhere to agreed quality standards. In order to ensure that quality assurance issues are mainstreamed in all the day-to-day functions of the Institution, there is a Quality Assurance coordinator in each of the major units of the institution including Schools, units, Directorates, Centres, Administrative and Technical Departments. Quality assurance functions in Academic Departments is coordinated through the Schools.

 Prof. Athanasia matemu
Head – QAU
Ms. Bahati Swalehe Omary
Office Management Secretary