Welcome Note
Discover the Future through Our Groundbreaking Science Education and Innovations
We are committed to pushing the boundaries of knowledge, fostering creativity, and driving meaningful change through research and innovation. This dedicated space showcases our ongoing projects, groundbreaking discoveries, and the talented individuals behind them. Explore the cutting-edge research initiatives that are shaping the future, discover the innovative solutions we are developing, and learn how we are making a positive impact on society and beyond. Join us on this exciting journey of exploration, discovery, and innovation. Thank you for visiting, and we invite you to engage, collaborate, and innovate with us!
From Initial Prototyping Concepts to Patented
At the heart of our commitment to innovation lies our dedication to translating patented concepts into tangible solutions through initial prototyping. The Research and Innovation Team members are at the forefront of this transformative journey, meticulously crafting and refining ideas to bring them to life.
From Conceptualization to Implementation
The Research and Innovation Team is committed to turning innovative project ideas into impactful solutions.
Incubation Centre
The NM-AIST hosts the Data Driven Innovation (DDI) Incubation Centre through the African Centre for Research, Agricultural Advancement, Teaching Excellence and Sustainability (CREATES). The centre is one of the four regional incubators started and supported by the Inter Universities Council for East Africa (IUCEA) with grants from the World Bank. It focuses on 4 main thematic areas: (i) Agriculture, (ii) Food and Nutrition Security, (iii) Biodiversity and the Environment, and (iv) Health with ICT. Entrepreneurship is the backbone drivers of all 4 thematic areas. The centre is aimed at testing products in real life environments as it is working with commercially viable entities to launch companies and products into the national, regional and international market. It also intends to offer young innovators/inventors and entrepreneurs a wide range of business development services including business idea analysis and diagnostics, mentorship, product/prototypes development and registration services, work station provisions, specialised trainings, market access, pitching and networking activities, among others.
Office Management Secretary
Phone: +255 767 601726
+255 783 601 726
Email: bahati.swalehe@nm-aist.ac.tz
Ms. Bahati Swalehe Omary
Math TeacherAcademic officer for the School of Business Studies and Humanities
Phone: +255 764 664 041
Email: izrael.daudi@nm-aist.ac.tz
Mr. Izrael Daudi
Math TeacherAcademic officer for the School of Materials, Energy and Environmental Sciences.
Phone: +255 754 857 937
Email: haji.chomba@nm-aist.ac.tz
Mr. Haji Chomba
Math TeacherAcademic officer for the School of Life Sciences and Bioengineering
Phone: +255 756 892 256
Email: greyson.johnson@nm-aist.ac.tz
Mr. Greyson Johnson
Math TeacherAcademic officer for the School of Computation and Communication Science and Engineering
Phone: +255 784 462 903
Email: emmanuel.mtatuu@nm-aist.ac.tz