CoCSE - Research Impacts

  • March 29, 2024
  • Godfrey Naman

Development of an Accessible Augmented Reality tool to enhance Indoor Navigation. A case of higher learning institutions

Research Problem Navigation, an inherent characteristic of human beings, involves moving to fulfill basic needs or services. However, navigating complex...

  • March 29, 2024
  • Godfrey Naman

A Predictive Analytics-Driven Battery Management System for Sustainable E-mobility in East Africa

Research Problem Lack of specialized equipment, knowledge, and infrastructure for repurposing and maintaining used electric vehicle batteries in the East...

  • March 29, 2024
  • Godfrey Naman

Intelligent Fruit Fly Trap: An automated system for monitoring Oriental fruit flies (Bactrocera dorsalis) in mango farms

Research Problem Manual inspection of the pests (Bactrocera dorsalis) in large mango farms to estimate the infestation levels is time-consuming...