Edith Luhanga is a lecturer in computer science, specializing in ubiquitous computing applications and human-computer interactions.Her work focuses on developing monitoring and personalised systems for supporting health, wellbeing and personal learning on ubiquitous devices such as smartphones, wearables and Internet-of-things devices. She is especially interested in behaviour change and how behavioural theory and user interface/interactions can be designed to support behaviour reflection and change.Her most recent work has included research on redesigned smartphone notifications for supporting OS update compliance, co-supervising research on the use of machine learning for disease outbreak prediction, supervising work on developing a mobile-based expert systems for pregnancy support in the Tanzanian context and smartphone games for teaching about social issues to children.
She serves as the deputy project leader for the VLIR-UOS P5 project under the school and is a member of various institutional committees including the Nelson Mandela week organising committee, where she organises the STEM workshop for girls and science exhibition.