Dr. Maranya Mayengo

Dr. Mayengo is a Lecturer in Applied Mathematics and Computational Sciences

Experience & Activities

Maranya Mayengo (Ph.D) is a Lecturer in the School of Computational and Communication Science and Engineering (CoCSE) at The Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology (NM-AIST). He lecturers Mathematics programs. Maranya is known for his unwavering dedication to the field of education. Born and raised in a small village in Serengeti district, Mara region, Tanzania. Maranya’s passion for teaching and learning ignited at a young age. He pursued his dreams with determination, earning a Diploma in Education from Monduli Teachers’ College in 2006, where he discovered his innate ability to connect with students and inspire them to excel. Fuelled by his desire to make a greater impact, Maranya pursued higher education at The University of Dodoma, where he obtained a Bachelor of Education with Science [B. Ed (Sc)] degree in 2011. During this time, he immersed himself in educational research and pedagogy, constantly seeking innovative methods to enhance the learning experience for his students. Driven by his thirst for knowledge, Maranya embarked on a journey of academic excellence, obtaining both his Master’s and Ph.D degrees in Applied Mathematics and Computational Sciences and Engineering from The Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology (NM-AIST) in 2014 and 2021 respectively.
Throughout his career, Maranya has held various teaching and leadership roles, spearheading initiatives to promote inclusive education and bridge educational disparities. Beyond his professional accomplishments, Dr. Mayengo is known for his compassionate nature and his commitment to empowering young minds. He strongly believes in the potential of every student and strives to create a nurturing environment that fosters growth and lifelong learning. He’s been involved in designing and delivering professional development workshops to both primary and secondary school teachers whose main objective is to help teachers appreciate competence-based teaching approaches and challenge their classroom practices. Dr. Maranya Mayengo’s unwavering dedication to education has left an indelible mark on the lives of countless students and teachers. His passion, coupled with his extensive academic background, has positioned him as a competent facilitator in the field of education, inspiring positive change and transforming the lives of learners in Tanzania.

Courses taught in MSc Programmes

  • AMCSE 6304: Numerical Linear Algebra
  • AMCSE 6309: Dynamical Systems for Biological and Chemical Processes
  • AMCSE 6308: Discrete Mathematics
  • AMCSE 6308: Discrete Mathematics

Courses Taught in Ph.D Programmes:

  • AMCSE 7304: Advanced Numerical Linear Algebra
  • AMCSE 7309: Advanced Dynamical Systems for Biological and Chemical Processes
  • AMCSE 7308: Advanced Discrete Mathematics
  • AMCSE 7308: Advanced Discrete Mathematics



Phased Out

  • Graduate Seminar Coordinator: School of CoCSE
  • LEARNING Inspire facilitator