Dr. Silas S Mirau is a Lecturer in Applied Mathematics and Computational Science at School of Computational and Communication Science and Engineering (CoCSE), Nelson Mandela-African Institution Science and Technology (NM-AIST). He attained his PhD in Applied Mathematics and Statistics at Beijing Institute of Technology-BIT, Chin. MSc (Technomathematics and Technical Physics) at Lappeenranta University of Technology-LUT, Finland and A graduate of University of Dar es Salaam pursuing BEd Sc majoring Mathematics. His research interest is in modeling of time series data, application of information geometry and epidemiology. He has supervised/co-supervised numerous number Masters students upon to their graduation and PhD students. He has experience and participated in project proposal development such as Higher Education Institutions Institutional Cooperation Instrument (HEI-ICI) project, DAAD project, WOLIMODs Project etc. Currently. He is holding administrate post at school of CoCSE as a Deputy leader of the Mathematical modeling research group and Chief Invigilator.