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Prof. Kisangiri Michael

Associate Professor
Prof. Kisangiri is an Associate Professor in Mobile and Wireless Communication

Experience & Activities

Prof. Kisangiri Francis Michael (PhD) is an Associate Professor in the School of Computational Communication Science and Engineering. Received his PhD in Telecommunication Engineering in 2008 and Master of Science in Telecommunication Engineering major in Wireless Communication in 2002, both from Wroclaw University of Technology – Poland. Since then, he has been working as academician with several universities. Currently he works with Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology located in Arusha Tanzania. His research interests include evolutionary computation, Antenna design and Machine learning.

  • Data Communication
  • Embedded Networking
  • Electromagnetic Compatibility and Antenna
  • IEEE: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
  • Best Worker 2020: Best NM-AIST worker, category Academic Staff.


  • dSkills@EA: Digital Skills for Innovative East Africa. (March 2021 to December 2023)
  • VLIR-IUC: Flemish funded project. (2019 – 2024).

Phased Out

  • DigiFACE: Digital Initiative for African Centre of Excellence
  • Centre Leader CENIT@EA: Centre of Excellence in ICT in East Africa.
  • Research Group Chair: Wireless and Mobile Communication.